Our formula for your success.

Global leader. From concept to commercialization, CPC’s pharmaceutical process centers on quality, service, and efficiency.

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Expertise & Service

From concept to commercialization the CPC process guarantees precision, quality, and excellence. When you place your order, our account services team manages every detail and stays with you every step of the way.

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Step 1: Order Placed

Regulatory & Quality Assurance

We build strong global partnerships to guarantee dependable supply, competitive pricing, and regulatory oversight. All materials are tested in our GMP-compliant analytical labs to ensure quality, potency, and consistency.

Step 2: Material Procurement

Pharmacy & Blending

Our pharmacy team uses state-of-the-art technologies to weigh materials needed to manufacture a wide range of nutraceuticals and generic drugs. Depending on formulations, certain batches are granulated and then blended, while others go directly to blending.

Step 3: Materials tested for quality


Materials are processed into tablets, capsules or powder blends.

STEP 4: Manufacturing


Finished products are sent to one of our high-speed packaging facilities, where they are packaged into customized container s such as bottles, stick packs, blisters, and more.


Quality Control & Shipping

Before QA final rel ease and shipment, CPC’s team of analytical chemists carefully tests all product batches for conformance to all specifications.

Quality Control


At CPC we are the experts in meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements. Whether your needs are capsules or tablets, over-the-counter drugs or dietary supplements, we deliver consistent batch results with the highest level of quality in each and every product we manufacture. Contact CPC to see if our process can handle your needs.

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